- AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library, USA
Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED)
A unique database produced by the Health Care Information Service of the British Library. This database will be of interest to individuals wanting to know more about alternatives to conventional medicine, and includes resources to complementary medicine, palliative care and several professions allied to medicine. Available in a variety of formats from print to online. Indexed journals are found on this list.
American Botanical Council
Educating the public on the use of herbs and phytomedicinals. ABC publishes HerbalGram and has an extensive list of publications in the herbal Education Catalog.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
The goal of AHP is to produce authoritative herbal monographs containing accurate, critically reviewed information on botanicals to provide guidance in the appropriate use of herbal therapeutics.
American Herbalists Guild (AHG)
Non-profit, educational, member-based association of herbal practitioners founded to represent the goals and voices of herbalists specializing in the medicinal use of plants
Bastyr University - Dept. of Botanical Medicine
Courses on medicinal use of plants, fungi and extracts for naturopathic medical students. Conducts research in botanical medicine.
Bibliography from Bastyr University
A collection of citations from the literature on herbals from the Bastyr library. The categorized listing is extensive and also cites the journals used for the compilation.
Collection of resources and links on botanicals. Features a hyper-text version of A Modern Herbal, 1931, by Mrs. M.Grieve: http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/mgmh.html
CAM Databases
Includes the CAM on PubMed bibliographic citations obtained from the National Library of Medicine's PubMed (Medline) database that uses a feature to locate citations with a CAM subset database search
Centre for International Ethnomedicinal Education and Research
CIEER is an international network of ethnobotanical researchers and provides a public discussion forum and listserv to exchange information on the safe and effective use of medicinal plants.
locate current information on disease treatment at particular institution or by a disease, drug, modalitity, therapy or procedure. Does contain complementary and alternative medicine therapies [search by words: alternative (medicine or therapy) or complementary (medicine or therapy) or by particular modality: acupuncture or by a particular substance: ginko or shark cartilage
Datadiwan :
"a database where you can access actual information on holistic medicine and frontier sciences. Secondly, the Datadiwan is as a scientific discussion forum, where interested parties can discuss scientific topics with other like-minded people...all over the globe. And thirdly, the Datadiwan is a network which links research institutions and organizations world-wide." Most lterature is in German.
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets
Searchable glossary
Dr. Ray Peat
One of the most amazing minds of our times! Check out the fully referenced truly scientific articles that are life changing. These articles are NOT based on "junk science" that aims only to line the pockets of the "pill" producer and which all too often dominates the current trends of what is and what isn't healthy!
An international database to citations covering the biomedical, pharmacological and drug literature.
European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy contains the herbal adverse drug reactions database, PhytoNet.
FDA: Poisonous Plant Database (PLANTOX)
Little known resource compiled by D. Jesse Wagstaff, DVM, with plant names and citations accessable from an alphabetical listing.
Herb Research Foundation
Improving health and welfare through herbs
Herb Research Foundation
Information resource for the worldwide use of herbs for health, environmental conservation and international development.
Herb Society of America
Membership organization, founded in 1933. Concerned with the cultivation of herbs and the study and history of their uses, past and present. The Society is committed global environmental protection and encourages the practice of environmentally sound horticulture.
Herb World News Online
Latest herb related news from the Herb Research Foundation, includes legal updates.
Herb growing and marketing network.
Herbs and Pregnancy
Information on herbs helpful and contra-indicated in pregnancy from GardenGuides.com.
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) is a database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals, produced by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health.
Index of Poisons
From Mrs. M. Grieve: A Modern Herbal.
Index to Chiropractic Literature 1985-2001:
Bibliographic citations produced by "the Chiropractic Library Consortium (CLIBCON: a group of health science librarians working in chiropractic colleges throughout the world whose goal is to improve access to the chiropractic literature"
Lloyd Library and Museum
The 200,000 volume collection contains pharmacy, botany, and horticulture rare books and other collections. See also the Directory of Databases for other relevant databases. Glossaries:
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism
Medical Herbalism
A full text clinical newsletter for the herbal practitioner. Categorized links to information on medicinal herbs and herbalism in the clinical setting from the journal, Medical Herbalism.
A website dedicated to Mesothelioma patients with emphasis on the alternative use of Oleander 'Nerium oleander' and the isolated phytopharmaceutical Oleandrin.
Michael Tierra's Planetary Herbology
Idiosyncratic, lively site to explore.
Missouri Botanical Garden
Bioprospecting and Dinosaur Safari.
New York Botanical Garden
A virtual garden from the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.
Patent Database
United States Patent and Trademark Office: tool to locate registered patents in complementary and alternative medicine
Centre For Complementary Health Studies University of Exeter: "resource for those involved in the development, manufacture, regulation and surveillance of phytomedicines and herbal drugs", contains information from the European Scientific Co-operative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP), forms to submit adverse effects of herbal medicines, development of European standards for safe use of phytomedicines
free service to individuals registering with the site, "sponsored by Herbworx Corporation, an Australian company dedicated to ensuring that practitioners are supplied not only with high quality herbal medicine, but also clinically relevant, scientifically validated technical information, and Phytomedicine, manufacturer quality herbal extracts for practitioners." Even though it is a commercial service the herbal mongraph database contains indications, actions, constituents, studies & articles. Back to top Cultivation and Conservation Issues
National Library of Medicine's search interface to access the 10 million citations in MEDLINE, and Pre-MEDLINE, and other related databases.
Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute
Chinese herbology education and courses.
The Cochrane Collaboration:
systematic, up-to-date reviews of all relevant Randomized Control Trials of health care includes subscribed access to
Toxic Plant Database
Compilation from the veterinary Medicine Library, UIUC Back to top Legal Information:
Tropical Plant Database
Each plant file contains taxonomy data, phytochemical and ethnobotanical data, uses in traditional medicine, and clinical research NON-SEARCHABLE SITES: Only description and access information are provided at the www sites.
USDA PLANTS National database
National resource from the USDA generates categorized data reports on natural resources and conservation issues. Back to top Illustrations:
University of Maryland
Complementary Medicine Program (CMP). This program does systematic literature review and evaluation and includes databases such as The Arthritis and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Database (ARCAM) and the Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Pain Database (CAMPAIN).
Herb pictures, medicinal plants, wild flower photos and description of uses in alternative medicine.